Interdistrict Transfers
Parents/guardians must seek permission from the school district where they live to enroll in another school district. The requested school district must also approve.
To verify what District you live click on the District Locator.
Scroll down to the map and enter your address in the search bar. A list of school districts for your address will appear.
If you do not live within BSD boundaries, you will need to obtain permission from your district of residence to enroll in BSD. Please check with your district of residence for an Interdistrict Transfer Permit form. Note that each district has its own forms, process and deadline for handling transfer requests.
The Brisbane School District will admit interdistrict transfer students on a space-available basis. Read the full board policy here: Board Policy 5118 .
BSD residents who wish to transfer to another school district should complete the form and bring it to the Brisbane District Office.