Transitional Kindergarten
Transitional kindergarten is a stepping stone between preschool and kindergarten, transitional kindergarten is often referred to as the first year of a two-year kindergarten. All 4 year olds qualify for TK in every public school district in California.
Where did it originate from?
The concept of transitional kindergarten—also known as “TK”—first emerged in 2010, when California passed the Kindergarten Readiness Act. This act was created for 4-year-old children who turn 5 between September 2 and December 2. However, in July of 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom signed the TK-12 Education Trailer Bill (AB 130), which expanded eligibility in TK programs to serve all 4-year-old children by 2025-26.
Transitional Kindergarten’s goal is to promote school readiness for all 4 year olds. In a study by the American Institute for Research, here are some key findings:
- TK gives students an advantage at kindergarten entry on a range of literacy and mathematics skills. TK students were also rated as more engaged by their teachers, compared to their peers.
- TK is effective for all groups of students who participated. It showed a particularly notable impact on language skills for English learners and mathematics skills for low-income students at kindergarten entry.
- TK has no detectable impact on students’ executive function or incidence of problem behaviors at kindergarten entry.
- Impacts of TK are smaller at the end of kindergarten, though TK students continue to have an advantage over non-TK students on letter and word identification skills.
For 2024-2025 school year, children whose date of birth is between September 2, 2019 - June 2, 2020
For 2025-2026 school year, children whose date of birth is between September 2, 2020 - September 1, 2021
For 2026-2027 school year, children 4 years old on or before 09/01 of that school year.
Please fill out this TK Interest form if you are interested in sending your rising TK-er to the Brisbane School District. We will be sure to add you to communication and outreach efforts about TK for your rising TK student.
What if I have a younger child who will be in TK in the future?
Please fill out this TK Interest form if you are interested in sending your rising TK-er to the Brisbane School District. We will be sure to add you to communication and outreach efforts about TK for your rising TK student.
California public schools offer Transitional kindergarten (TK) and kindergarten as opportunities to help children develop school readiness skills. Although children aren’t required by law to attend TK and kindergarten (children 6 and up, however, are required to enroll in school), these programs give your child the experience of being in a school environment and learning beyond what you do at home. We hope you will seriously consider sending your child to TK in the Brisbane School District.
- School Starts: 8:25am
- Regular Dismissal: 12:25pm or 1:10pm
- Wednesday Dismissal 12:25pm or 1:10pm
- Recess: 10:20am - 10:40am
- Lunch: 12:25pm - 1:10pm